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Friday, 21 July 2023
The Fanfiction 20230721
Oh I'm writing this a day early because I'm going to be busy this weekend and yes it's because of Anime but also I'm going out so I'm not spending the usual Saturday evening doing this up. Besides, I can do this WHENEVER I WANT it just has to be a weekly post. *silence* Or not, we might not keep that momentum if I can't find something for next week to end the month. *giggles*

Well, this week's guest is most definitely coinciding with their birthday a couple of days ago so I won't spoil who they are (lol why the link then), since if you read the first sentence and not think I picked this up from my own book of life where I hang out with my sis for breakfast which is technically earlier in the day than this... don't ask anymore NO MORE QUESTIONS haha let's just do this

Natsukawa Shiina in front of a bunch of capsule toy machines, dressed in casual clothing with a shopping bag hanging on her left hand, her right hand holding out a keychain
It was a great start to my day off in the Natsukawa family. The light shining into my room was so bright and warm it woke me up late into the morning. Knowing that Shiina also was free today and it has been a while since we hung out, I messaged her if she wanted to join me for brunch. Not long after, we left home together for the cafe downtown.

The shops started to open in the shopping district as we made our way back after we got some groceries. Shiina then saw the capsule toy machines by the toy store and begged for me to give her some loose change to play them. Surprisingly, she got the prize she wanted immediately without breaking my wallet, but instead gave it to me. I told her I was not interested and she can keep it as a gift from me, but the smile on her face is irresistibly cute (and she was real pushy about it) so I had to accept it. It has been hanging off my carry bag ever since.

Man, do I really wish I was involved with Natsukawa Shiina (lol) or be in the Natsukawa family somehow. If it had, it HAS to be step siblings, right? *laughs* Then again I cannot imagine my mom being with a Japanese lol nor my dad, though thinking about a bit more in the shower just now make me see that the latter might be more possible. My dad's already into Vietnamese women singing traditional Chinese songs, what else is new? *laughs* Okay not going to be too persistent on this, being Japanese male sucks anyways. *laughs* And that's saying about their work life even without conscription. *silence* Okay maybe I should stop tanking on them, but seriously having Nan-chan as imouto sounds great, I don't mind being single forever! *laughs* I will get to know her other two sisters too. Who knows, maybe they are cuter than her-

P.S. Speaking of capsule toys, tomorrow's reason for not doing this... tomorrow lol is to go to one, specialized ones from Bandai are opening in Singapore, and if you heard of me saying it and saw the plural on the previous part of this sentence, I will be going with my friends again but this time to their new 2nd branch. So yeah, we shall see if there is any different and if I will NOT regret to not roll a Hololive keychain instead haha maybe I should huh, me. 

P.P.S. Is there a TrySail capsule toy I can roll? That isn't MusicRay'n Capsule because I can't pay there? *laughs*

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The Fanfiction
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