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Saturday, 05 August 2023
The Fanfiction 20230805
Oh hey and I'm back! For this month though, I will be focused on the summer theme since this heat is getting into me and I can't stop thinking of girls in yukata lmao not true I wish they would just take it off- This is the intro you wanted, me? *laughs* Maybe I should rewrite this to be honest even the outro which I haven't written is still better than this garbage-

Anyhow, if you can appreciate such level of comedy and/or if you really are desperate like me and want to imagine going on the summer dates with the voice actress you like, boy do I have some of them lined up this month and then maybe we see what else my creative mind can cook up with. Because damn, I'm going to run out of image sources real soon.

Without further ado, let's get the hardest one to write of the rest of the list going! No really, I don't even know this one will make any sense hehe who cares amirite

Minase Inori wearing a yukata squatting by a playground ride, playfully putting her finger on its beak and pouting back
It was the first of many favours I had to repay Minase Inori personally for saving my life some time ago. Of all things, she wanted me to join her in a summer festival outside of town. We arranged to meet nearby and walk the rest of the way there. I was amazed and speechless when I saw her slender body in the yellow-white yukata for the first time, I looked away to hide my embarrassment.

"What is with that expression",Β she said to me while giggling as I tried to explain myself and hold my embarrassment back from her.

As we walked down the streets en route to the festival, we passed by a playground on which had a pelican-like ride. Minase-san thought it was adorable and went up to it while saying "isn't this cute" along the way. She then squatted down, put her finger against its beak, and looked back at me with a pout. I was confused yet adored at this sight, where later she explained that I looked exactly like that earlier on.

I feel like putting the context in for this inside the fiction might make this too long so I might as well put it here. Inorin's relation to me... Hmm, well it cannot be imouto I can only have the one imouto and Moka-chan failed the latest auditions so *laughs* Anyways, this is kind of like a benefactor relationship? Yeah, she saved my life once and I am to return the favour by... going out with her? Haha, that can only happen in fiction. *giggles* Also also, it's more like an aggression considering does anyone even want them to repay such a favour unless you are so attractive to go out with it'll be worth your time? *looks at self* Maybe not me in reality but this is Aozaki Shouhei we are talking about so sure. Maybe the other way around would've made more sense. *laughs* See you next time for the sequel. *giggles*

P.S. Little did I tell you that in order for all this to happen I must have had her contact information MUAHAHAHA- She asked me for it by the way *dabs*

P.P.S. Also did some Japanese on the dialogues (I don't think mobile can see but I'll work on something) so that I can truly experience what it's like for them to talk to me-

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The Fanfiction
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