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Friday, 11 August 2023
The Fanfiction 20230811
Alright this week's plan was to continue on the story that is whatever summer thing from last week if you have read that haha featuring Inorin of all people, but now that the news is out yesterday that a certain someone is married, I feel like I may have made the mistake of doing this first a week later even though it was supposed to- INORIN IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT haha okay me, not like you have an idea to write this story last week without the marriage news anyways. *looks at Kana-chan* Haha oh well, maybe let's think of something here, yes? 

This week's guest is kind of... I wouldn't even say favourite now because damn if you get married your rank drops real fast lol she is now technically ranked below her puppies haha trust me I was sadder yesterday than today I would trauma dump if I had to do this a day ago.

Forget about the outside world for now, maybe time travel back a bit, in my new story about interacting with girls I like!

Waki Azumi on a public foot bath dressed in a yukata, hands stretched out on a pedestal
There was this open foot bath that is very popular in the neighbourhood. As I have cold feet, I would pop in from time to time to enjoy this public facility which is hard to find in the city. But recently, as I passed by it on my way home at night, I saw my neighbour Waki Azumi in a yukata soaking her feet in the water. She said she was on her way back after visiting the shrine and taking some photos of the nearby festival.

As I took a seat opposite her after what was quite a long walk, she decided to dangle her feet against mine and I laughed it off in embarrassment. We had some chit chat, and after some time, she stretched her hands up into the air and forwards to me with a smile, and I stared at her in confusion.

"Pull me up, I sat for too long!" I let off a giggle as I pulled her up, and she gave me a cute pout in return.

After we both got out, I walked her home before going back to my own abode a street away.

*sigh* (Haha)

Oh yeah, I'm totally taking a page from her photobook a couple of years ago hehe I did not sleep with her afterwards though. *silence*

So yeah, my relationship with Ajuju. *laughs* I feel like my relation with her should be less than lovers (since I can't get over dogs as in I'm slightly allergic to them) but more of just neighbours hanging out, and coincidentally at this day, I was hanging out with just her. Hey, she lives nearby, okay? Don't ask me how someone will know of this encounter *wink*, but this proximity in this fictional world, someone will likely be put in jealousy, I suppose. Now that we can get "married couple" out of the way haha *sob* and to add to the fever, I almost had the chance to buy the final illustration book from the new Comiket series I'll be doing down the line but when I saw it yesterday morning, I only got to it by the end of the day and since I'm not buying directly from the store so there was a delay, it was sold out by the time Buyee could get to it. AJUJU THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT haha well I should have done this earlier during the day but I forgot so it's all on me. *sob* See you next time haha even typing on this new keyboard which arrived before I typed this is making regret my life decisions because it's technically worse imo now and I can't revert back to the old keyboard which refused to connect and will make me type Vs out of nowhere *sob* I will live with all of this regret in due time I just need to rest more lol see you all for Anime this weekend.

P.S. Also TL:DR; Dear Waki Azumi your marriage news have made me sadder than I have ever since many idols ago who made this transition and I don't know why my heart hurts. *silence* Maybe I do love you for all you are despite my dislike for dogs. I wished I was your gamer husband though, I truly do.

P.P.S. Oh happier news, Kanno Mai's birthday livestream this weekend is going to be DOPE!! *giggles* F**K COMIKET DUDE I CAN'T EVEN GET PRE-ORDERS RIGHT lol

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The Fanfiction
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