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Saturday, 02 March 2024
The Fanfiction 20240302
New month, new story, I guess! I mentioned before this one will also be to celebrate another occasion and boy I have been coping with these feelings of love for her all this week, I feel like breaking it to her now that I have a girlfriend miiiiight be a bad idea after all.

As such, we will delay the sadder story, for next time. *wink*

I know right, there's that many people who want to be with me. Who am I, an ikemen- Oh, fictional me. *laughs* Hey, sorry for actually dreaming earlier that was a nice nap knowing that my coughing can be saved yet again lol, so let's properly daydream now. I gotta continue to show how cool I am to the girls, aren't I- Oh, fictional me. *laughs*

If she isn't annoying enough here as she says she is, that's normal. She is infatuated towards me, naturally she will behave weird- Oh, fictional me. *laughs* Let's get to it!

Takahashi Rie dressed in a flower dress with translucent sleeves, holding a teddy bear
Our boss won a pair of tickets to a coveted theme park and announced it to the whole office. He also declared, after I rejected the offer, that I bring Takahashi-san along with me as a reward for our efforts, hinting we were a couple of sorts. I did message her that night, and she chose the following weekend.

On the day itself, she dressed up in a beautiful flowery dress with see-through sleeves and shoulders. We had fun throughout the day but I felt like she may have noticed my lack of enthusiasm compared to hers, and I should do something to make up for it.

We passed by a toy store and Takahashi-san stopped because she saw a teddy bear and told me it was cute. Taking the opportunity, I told her I will get it for her, even if she was hesitant. I got my hands on one and passed it on to her.

"Thanks for today."

She stared at me with her beady eyes. She also mentioned that it was her birthday, and I gave her the birthday she wanted.

What? It was her birthday?? *gasp* Haha ah hey, you knew this was coming, you knew. *giggles*

Also, IT'S NOT JUST A BIRTHDAY IT'S A DATE YOU BLOCKHEAD- Haha yeah, I'm just scolding fictional me for thinking that this is justΒ happening on her birthday. Like, bro, she picked her birthday and went with you to a "coveted" (can't say DorsneyLand or something lmao) theme park, just the two of you?? Normally this will involve at least 2 other people spying on us but heck, let's pretend that did not exist, yes?

So yeah, this is quite a colleague-friend relationship we've had so far. Going out for meals, went to her place, even quite practically going on a theme park date on her birthday? How much of a couple aren't we?? Even those rumours are spreading in the office.Β Surely Rieri must have some thoughts about my relation with her... right? Oh, not for me I don't, fictional me doesn't overthink he only thinks about his girlfriend which IRL me doesn't have lol

Takahashi Rie, I will hug you forever if I could, the way you hugged that teddy bear. I promise you. *kiss*

Okay time for dinner I won't be eating her out but-

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The Fanfiction
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